The future of flight is changing
Reducing emissions
Aviation technologies are undergoing a pivotal moment, with innovative developments taking place across many fields. The UKRI Future Flight Challenge is working to develop air vehicles that are powered by hydrogen or electricity, opening up the potential for new greener aviation options in the UK.

Moving people forward
Future Flight Social Insight (FFSI) is an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded pioneering social science research program. Working with the UKRI Future Flight Challenge, our research seeks to better understand the wider societal and economic impacts of these technological developments. For example, eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) vehicles utilise new electric propulsion systems opening up new aviation applications including urban and rural transport, cargo delivery, and disaster response.
Delivering the future
In the coming years, drones may play an increasingly prominent role in areas such as agriculture, construction, and logistics. FFSI aims to capture different communities’ hopes and concerns around these advances in aviation. Capturing different groups’ perspectives on these technologies early on will help shape their development and regulation.