Co-creation of Future Flight Ecosystems and Enterprise (CoFFEE)
CoFFEE (Co-Creation of Future Flight Ecosystems and Enterprise) seeks to answer How the motivations of aerospace industry technologists, businesses, and social entrepreneurs influence the emergent FF business models, How innovations can be co-developed by technologists and local communities to achieve social and environmental sustainability, and How the emerging FF ecosystem can be nudged toward viable, safe, and sustainable business models which have low, or even positive, environmental impacts.

Aviation’s significance in the UK’s economy and society is growing. Innovative ‘Future Flight’ (FF) technologies can sustain the UK’s social fabric and strengthen the economy. However, current FF developments often prioritize engineering challenges, assuming future ecosystems will make these technologies viable. For FF to thrive in the UK, a comprehensive understanding of the innovation ecosystem, complex networks of stakeholders, and technology implementation is essential. The CoFFEE project aims to create Future Flight Ecosystems and Enterprises by examining the motivations of aerospace experts, businesses, and social entrepreneurs. It seeks to co-develop FF models aligning with social and environmental sustainability through interviews, workshops, and case studies involving various stakeholders. The project’s outcomes include opportunities for aerospace technologists and guidance for social entrepreneurs. By studying real-world cases, like repurposing Doncaster-Sheffield Airport as a green aviation hub, CoFFEE aims to foster sustainable FF scenarios that can revolutionise industries such as transportation, supply chains, and environmental monitoring. Ultimately, CoFFEE aims to position the UK as a global FF leader rather than a follower.