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Future Flight Challenge: Mini Public Dialogue (June, 2022)
A Sciencewise report prepared for the Future Flight Challenge and UK Research and Innovation.
The development of future flight technologies is accelerating, with increased investment and a recognition of the growing potential of the capabilities these technologies could offer. This report outlines the findings of a UKRI and Sciencewise funded mini public dialogue on three different types of future flight technologies for civilian use – drones, advanced air mobility (‘air taxis’) and regional air mobility (‘eco-planes’). 72 members of the UK public were convened to represent a broad cross-section of UK society as a ‘mini public’ over March – April 2022.
The dialogue explored the benefits, disbenefits, risks and potential areas of concern presented by these technologies alongside their related infrastructures, and enabled deliberation on-ground infrastructure and participants’ perspectives on what a future ‘Skyways Code’ for the governance of these technologies could look like. As these technologies are emergent and not yet fully realised, participatory futures techniques and tools, as well as engagement through an online community and Zoom workshops, were used to support participants to think through the future implications of these technologies. The use of participatory futures techniques was supported through the development of innovative and creative stimulus materials created by The Liminal Space.